How to add a brokerage Disclaimer or Terms & Conditions

There are two places where brokerages can display external links and disclaimers to client users. This can be used to gain click-through agreement the brokerage’s terms and/or privacy policies, and to display any compliance related disclaimers on the client interface. 

In both instances, please contact to get this configured for your brokerage. 


The Enterprise Terms URL shows up as a link on the Sign Up CTAs on the Client Experience. The text will read: “and the {Agent Name} & {Enterprise Name} Terms/Policies.” 

Note that this is a single URL, intended to link out to a page hosted by the brokerage. RealScout does not offer hosting services for this page.





The Enterprise Disclaimer will show up in the footers of the client experience. This can be a string of text, and links may be embedded as well. 

Below is an example of a Equal Housing Disclaimer added to the client experience:



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