MoxiWorks for Individual Agent Accounts


We’ve created the functionality to enable individual agents with RealScout accounts to connect to their MoxiWorks account. To successfully connect their accounts, several conditions must be met:

  1. The brokerage you, the agent, work for must have agreed to provide RealScout with brokerage-wide API access to support the individual agent. This is a requirement because Moxi does not natively support individual agent integrations, and we need brokerage-wide access to pull data, even for a single agent account.

  2. Your email in RealScout and MoxiWorks must match (not case-sensitive). We'll need your help verifying this. 

  3. Your RealScout account type must be identified on RealScout as an individual agent account type. Our support team can verify this.


Agent Setup

You can associate your RealScout & Moxi account in two ways if the pre-conditions previously mentioned are met.


Explicit Connection from RealScout:

  1. Log in to RealScout
  2. Click on the Integrations tab
  3. Click Connect MoxiWorks
  4. Log into MoxiWorks Engage (if you are not already logged in)
  5. If successful, the flow will redirect back to RealScout and show the connected account.


Implicit Connect from Moxiworks

When a brokerage opts to support the Individual Agent Accounts' access to the Moxiworks integration by providing us API access, they will also need to agree to the “Green Button” integration where you, the agent, in Moxi-Engage can click the green button on a buyer profile and get single-signed-into RealScout’s search experience with client data prepopulated. Two different actions can occur when you, the agent, clicks that green button for the first time:

  1. If your Individual Agent Account is found in RealScout based on your email address, we will seamlessly connect their account and deliver the green button experience.

  2. If your Individual Agent Account is NOT found in RealScout based on your email address, you will see a marketing page that drives you to a sign-up flow. Once you sign up, you will either need to click the green button again or use the explicit flow mentioned previously in this article.

Edge Cases and Failure States

  1. The agent belongs to a brokerage that has not opted into B2C MoxiWorks. We will show the following error message.

  2. The agent’s email does not match between the systems.




What can an agent do with this integration?

  1. Import contacts from MoxiWorks to RealScout and optionally filter by Groups. (Currently a one-time import).
  2. The integration would push the contacts created after the connection from RealScout to MoxiWorks. Please note the following details:
  • The specific contacts pushed to Moxi after connecting it on RealScout are those contacts that the agent has added manually or through the contact signing up on their own using any of the RealScout signup links.
  • Past contacts or contacts brought in by any other source will not get pushed to Moxi. 



Additionally, here is information about the integration between MoxiWorks and RealScout. You can find details about the benefits of this integration on the MoxiWorks website here:






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