How to Navigate Your Agent Dashboard & Live Feed




On the navigation bar you will see a Dashboard tab.Your Agent Dashboard is where you are able to view your client activity and can manage messages sent from clients.

At the top of the dashboard you will see 3 key metrics - how many of your clients have been active this week, how many homes have been viewed today, and how many emails have been opened today.

On the right of the page, you will see your messages, showing requests and can reply back. 

On the center of your Dashboard you will see a live feed of each action your clients have taken on RealScout such as which properties they have viewed and how many times they have viewed a property, the homes they are interested in and have saved (this includes the tracking of STAR RATINGS), and what emails they have opened as well as how many times they’ve viewed each email. You can also see if an email has been rejected. If you put your mouse over the email address, we will give you a reason for the rejected email.

From the dashboard, you can also search for a client or property using the search bar at the top of the page. To the right, you can use the orange buttons to quickly add a client or set up an alert. And lastly, you can edit your profile, settings, and get help by clicking on the “My Account” link at the top left of the page.

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