provides the data shown on RealScout's Climate Risk Ratings widget.
Below is a quick view of what the Widget looks like, steps on locating the Widget when viewing a specific property, and hiding the "climate check" widget for all clients when viewing properties.
Climate Risk Ratings Quick View:
A 0-100 rating is based on this home's future risk of climate-related hazards compared to other homes in the United States.
Learn more at
How to access this information per listing:
- Enter the Street address or Listing # on the top-left search bar and click on the property from the drop-down menu.
- The property details page will open. Please scroll towards the bottom right to locate the Climate Risk Ratings for the specific listing you are viewing.
- Climate Risk Ratings will have an option for you to click on and Get a Full Report if needed.
Steps on how to suppress the Widget for Climate Risk Ratings (optional):
- Visit the My Account tab on the top left corner of your RealScout account.
- Click on the Settings tab from the drop-down menu.
- Check to box next to the option, Suppress "Climate Check" Widget for all clients.
The Climate Risk Rating widget is unchecked to display the Widget by default.
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