Experiencing App Trouble?

If you are experiencing trouble with RealScout Agent Dashboard or RealScout Home Search, below are steps to take:

  1. Check for Updates in the iPhone App Store or Android Google Play Store to ensure you are using the latest version of the app.
  2. Uninstall the app (delete it from your phone) and re-install the app. 

If after completing these steps the issue continues, please message our Member Success Team support@realscout.com with the following details:

  1. Your name and email as it appears in RealScout.
  2. Specify the app name you have downloaded.
  3. What cellphone make/model are you using (Android or iPhone)?
  4. What Version Number does the app state?
    For the RealScout Agent Dashboard, please go to the SETTINGS section. There you will see the Version #.#.##.
    For the RealScout Home Search, please go to the MY AGENT section. There you will see the Version #.#.##. 
  5. Are you on a particular section when it crashes?
  6. Have you updated the app today or re-installed it? 
    If not, please do so to ensure you are using the latest version.


Our team can successfully provide additional support once provided the details above.

Contact us via the SUPPORT - Submit a Request tab within your RealScout account or email support@realscout.com


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