FAQ: Dynamic Impersonation for Managers/ISAs (BETA)

Managers and ISAs manager can be assigned the ability to impersonate agent or teammate accounts for lead management or collaboration on Follow Up Boss, as it is done on RealScout.

Please Note: This feature is only available for designated managers or admins and is currently in BETA. RealScout must enable this feature for your team. Please reach out to teamsupport@realscout.com for this request.




Impersonating on Follow Up Boss

  1. Navigate to your agent, teammate, or the lead you are collaborating on.
  2. Scroll down to the Custom Links section.
  3. Click on the RealScout Alerts Link. This will take you to the designated agent's RealScout account, where you can view the lead's profile and alerts.

While viewing the lead's profile, a red banner with a Stop Impersonating option will be displayed at the top of the screen to return to your account.


Custom Fields - RS Alert Links.png



Impersonating on RealScout 

  1. Go to Manager Tools and click on Agents.
  2. Select an agent (non-manager); their profile will open.
  3. Click on Impersonate to log into their account.

    impersonate on RS.png


While impersonating an agent, a red banner with a Stop Impersonating option will be displayed at the top of the screen to return to your account.

Stop impr.png




Do's and Don'ts 

  • Do Not: Managers cannot impersonate other managers. Those with access to this feature cannot impersonate others with the feature at this time.
  • Do: Use this feature responsibly for lead management and collaboration.


By following these steps, managers and admins can efficiently manage leads and collaborate with teammates using RealScout Pro+ and Follow Up Boss. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact RealScout support.


Manager to Manager.png


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